Hell yeah! This is the energy we need. Love Ellison too. I'm about half way through"Angry Candy" and bought another collection yesterday. This piece fired me up this morning and is a good reminder that the opportunities are truly endless as long as we are willing to work for them. Thanks for this!

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Glad you gelled with it. I've been meaning to get "Angry Candy," though the taste of it I got from the absolutely hysterical reading of "Prince Myshkin, and Hold the Relish" on the DVD for "Dreams With Sharp Teeth" has piqued my interest. https://youtu.be/Dr5NsTOXAyE

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Watched the documentary two years ago and fell into the Ellison rabbit hole ever since. I finished Shatterday last week and am still impressed at how inventive his fiction is. He could spin one hell of a yarn.

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Another collection I need, but when I first experienced "Jeffty is Five," that shit broke me. Seriously, one of the most captivating storytellers of all time without a doubt.

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May 25, 2023·edited May 25, 2023Liked by Jacob Calta

"Jeffty is Five" is my favorite of his. I'm on the hunt for his audio tapes. Reading his stuff is great but listening to him read is a whole different experience. Listening to him read his stories is where pure magic happens.

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I’d add Frank Zappa to that list but otherwise HEAR HEAR.

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If I was inspired by Zappa, I would be pulling off way weirder shit than I am now, man lol. It'll sound heretical, but I never got into Zappa. YET. Not out of an aversion, just because I always had other obsessions get in the way. Funnily enough though, I dig "Jazz From Hell," especially the track "Night School." Want to dive into the other, classic stuff though.

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Hear hear! Too many creatively bankrupt people out there bitching and moaning and accomplishing absolutely nothing. We are living in the absolute best timeline to be an artist, so many avenues out there to get stuff seen. Maybe by 12 people, maybe by 12000. Don't know until you try.

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I'll pull the Greta Thunberg and say "I shouldn't be here," but really, I'm learning this at 21. Twenty-godforsaken-one years old, and I will lord that over people lmao. There's no excuse for anyone older than me not to get with the program, only two reasons: complacent ignorance or blind arrogance. You either have no wider awareness, or you would willfully sell the arts down the river for a crumb of power. That's where we come in and say "to hell with you," and really get down to brass tacks.

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